Apr 16
Jay Zigmont, PHD, MBA, CFP®
State of the Firm

There is so much growth and great things going on at Childfree Wealth! Here’s an update of where we are and where we are going!
New Book: The Childfree Guide to Life and Money out for presale, available December 31, 2024

Many of you may know that I’ve been working on my next book and this weekend I got the first author review copy. I’m so excited! My publisher, SourceBooks, and I have a lot of work left, but this is a huge step! It is available for presale on Barnes & Noble and Amazon.
New Process: Childfree Wealth Check-up
We are now offering a Childfree Wealth Check-Up. For the check-up we do a dive into your life, finances, taxes, insurance and more to look at them through a Childfree Wealth lens. We send you our financial information form to complete before the meeting and we use that to create a priority list for you. You then meet with a Childfree Wealth Specialist to talk through areas you are doing well, areas that could be better, and even areas where you may have gone too far. (Yes, it is possible to go too far, such as saving too much for emergencies.) The cost for this check-up is $500 and space is limited. For more details or to sign up, check out https://childfreewealth.com/schedule-meeting or watch the video below:
New Offering and Pricing:
We have adjusted our offerings and pricing. Our private wealth management is $10k per year and includes: life planning, financial planning, investment advice and management, insurance planning, tax planning, estate planning, planning for elderly family members, and more. Our process includes over 77 areas and you can see full details here. We are also now offering investment management included in that price. What that means is you can manage your investments yourself, or we can do it for you, for the same price.
I know this price and offering does not fit everyone and that is ok. It is best for people with $500k+ of net worth, $250k/year+ of income, or with complex financial issues. If you are interested, the first step is to complete a Childfree Wealth Check-Up.
Expanded Team:
Childfree Wealth® is growing! Over the past few months we have added staff members and expanded the roles of others. Here’s a quick rundown of our team now:
- Jay Zigmont, CFP® - Founder and Chief Executive Officer
- Bri Conn - Chief Experience Officer & Childfree Wealth Specialist®
- Kingston Hollman - Chief Compliance Officer
- David Fox - Chief Marketing Officer
- Stephanie Viehman - Chief Operating Officer
- Cody Hetzel - Director of Community
- Rob Horwitz - Paraplanner
- Lauren Muñoz - Customer Service Associate
- Ashley Maready - Content
Note: As I am working more on the book launch and expanding the company, I am not taking on any more clients myself at this time. Bri is taking on all new clients, but she is not alone. I’m still there if you or Bri need any help, and Bri has the support of Rob and Lauren. When you work with Childfree Wealth you get a team of professionals, and Bri is leading the charge (and she’s amazing!!!)
Stay Engaged!
We have a lot of great things coming out! Be sure to follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook, and listen to the Childfree Wealth Podcast. I’m also going to be doing speaking engagements across the country, and would love to see you there! More info to come!
Yours in Service,
Dr. Jay
Yours in Service,
Dr. Jay
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Copyright © 2025
Childfree Wealth® testimonials were given by current clients. No Cash or non-cash compensation was provided for the testimonial. There are no material conflicts of interest between Childfree Wealth and the person giving the testimonial. Investment advisory services are offered through Childfree Wealth®, an SEC registered investment advisor. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. All written content on this site is for information purposes only.
Childfree Wealth®, Childfree Wealth Specialist® and Childfree Trust® are registered trademarks of Childfree Wealth, LLC. CFP Board owns the marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, and CFP® (with plaque design) in the U.S
Childfree Wealth®, Childfree Wealth Specialist® and Childfree Trust® are registered trademarks of Childfree Wealth, LLC. CFP Board owns the marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, and CFP® (with plaque design) in the U.S